Bb Code Facebook Like Button

Bb Code Facebook Like Button


Bb Code Facebook Like Button

Top Bullseye BBCoder IV Posts: 153 Joined: 02 Apr 2010, 20:49 Location: England Re: Like button?? Quote Donate Post by Bullseye 31 Jul 2010, 23:10 I just installed the iframe version, because they said the Xfbml had issues, one of my members 'liked' a topic but it did not show on their wall, is it supposed to? Apart from that it works fine Just checked and the link was on their wall Last edited by cisco007 on 01 Aug 2010, 03:03, edited 1 time in total. Facebook-Button-Typ whlen 2. Klick auf den grnen Button 2. Facebook Gefllt-Mir Button einbinden. It really can't hurt. SupportPlatform StatusDevelopers GroupMarketing PartnersBugs.. Bist Du ein echter Profi und arbeitest direkt mit HTML oder Templates, so kannst Du die Dateien lokal mit dem Editor Deines Vertrauens ndern und mit dem FTP-Programm Deiner Wahl auf Deinen Webspace oder Server hochladen. Ja, und zwar ganz easy und ohne dass du zustzliche Plugins installieren musst! Einfach den Code hier generieren.. Funktioniert das auch mit Wordpress?. On Chrome "Empty cache and hard reload" fixed it for me. Code fr Likebutton generieren Jetzt generieren! 1. Support for PhpBB3. rev2018.1.9.28319 . Last edited by Pete on 31 Jul 2010, 12:21, edited 1 time in total. Einfach die URL Deiner Webseite (oder Deiner Facebook-Page) angeben, Button-Typ auswhlen und den Code generieren lassen. Could someone tell me more about the 'like' button (like on facebook) how does it work and is it worth installing, I have members on my forum who are also on facebook, just thought it would be nice if my members could 'like' other members posts on there Thanks in advance. Der Like Button von Facebook ist kaum mehr wegzudenken und findet sich auf fast allen Webseiten. Gibt es den Facebook Like Button fr Wordpress als Widget?. .. Zunchst musst Du natrlich auf dieser Seite den HTML Code fr den Gefllt-Mir Button generieren. 1. it helps build interest to your site from members or guest who might like something on your forums. Email Sign Up or sign in with Google Facebook fb like button code not working Ask Question up vote 4 down vote favorite I have tried all of the options for inserting code to get a facebook like button on a clients website and it doesnt show up, can anyone help me with a simple code that will make the button work, the link to like is nnacanada facebook html5 xcode4 facebook-likebox shareimprove this question asked Dec 19 '12 at 16:15 Myra Fletcher 7119 add a comment 3 Answers 3 active oldest votes up vote 2 down vote First you have to create a app to get an app ID Second you have to generate the code for your like button here: OR use the following code: You need to put your html tag like that: And between and you need to put the following code window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: 'your-facebook-app-id', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.type = 'text/javascript'; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); don't forget to replace " and "your-facebook-app-id" with correct values. Security CheckPlease enter the text belowCan't read the text above?Try another text or an audio captchaEnter the text you see above.Why am I seeing this?Security CheckThis is a standard security test that we use to prevent spammers from creating fake accounts and spamming users.Submit.. So einfach kann das Daumen integrieren sein! . SDKsiOS SDKAndroid SDKJavaScript SDKPHP SDKUnity SDK. bei den Widgets). ToolsGraph API ExplorerOpen Graph DebuggerObject BrowserJavaScript Test ConsoleAPI Upgrade ToolFacebook Analytics. Use a describing title! 2. Else just take the iFrame code Facebook provides. If it wont show up and is generated from there, its usually your fault. shareimprove this answer answered Dec 19 '12 at 16:18 b1nary 322311 i have tried every option of the facebook plugin provided and the iframe code and they dont work –Myra Fletcher Dec 20 '12 at 5:53 1 Did you tried a different Browser? a different machine? Maybe you are trying this at work but facebooks plugin domain is blocked. Kopiere den Code in deine Webseite Fehler Bitte Domain angeben! . Else there is no valid reason the iFrame would not work. Jetzt Deinen eigenen Gefllt-Mir-Button einfach generieren: HTML Generator fr Like Button. Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career 5a02188284

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