Batmans Anniversary Full Movie In Hindi Download

Batmans Anniversary Full Movie In Hindi Download


Batman's Anniversary Full Movie In Hindi Download

During a party for Batman's crime-fighting anniversary, the Riddler appears and nabs a golden calf filled with money for charity. His next target is the Gotham City Bank, which he floods for an underwater robbery. Although Batman and Robin try to stop him, the villain makes a clean getaway, leaving only a final riddle that stumps the Caped Crusaders. They discover all too late that his next move is an attempt to destroy them, this time with deadly quicksand disguised as strawberry icing atop a giant cake.
"Batman's Anniversary" marked The Riddler's only appearance this second season, with THE ADDAMS FAMILY's John Astin replacing Frank Gorshin due to the latter's salary demands. This anniversary was broadcast 13 months after the show's debut, and this Riddler script, the only contribution from William P. D'Angelo, essentially carries on the Puzzler characterization done seven weeks before by Maurice Evans, a series of puzzles rather than riddles to confound the Caped Crusader, even once referring to himself as 'The Prince of Puzzlers.' Even if Gomez Addams isn't anyone's idea of a decent Riddler, the plot at least is an improvement over the aviation themed Puzzler piece, this Riddler interrupting Batman's festivities to commit a series of robberies to accumulate $3 million to purchase a Demolecularizer from its impoverished inventor, Professor Avery Evans Charm (Martin Kosleck), refused funding due to his being a high school dropout. The initial Bat fight takes place underwater in a 'bank wet,' and the death trap finds the Dynamic Duo drowning but not getting wet atop an anniversary cake, sinking in quicksand disguised as icing. Byron Keith makes the 8th of his 10 appearances as Mayor Linseed, and silent screen comedian Eddie Quillan pops in for a welcome cameo as the Newsie who sells Batman a paper containing The Riddler's latest puzzle.
What actor could have successfully filled in for Burgess Meredith as the Penguin or Cesar Romero as the Joker? The answer - of course - is NO ONE. The same was true for Frank Gorshin as the Riddler. The unique characterizations these three actors created for their roles were already iconic in their time, let alone decades later thanks to endless syndication.<br/><br/>On paper, I don&#39;t think the producers could have come up with a better option than John Astin. Lord knows, Astin proved his adept skill as an multi-dimensional oddball as patriarch Gomez Addams in &quot;The Addams Family&quot;, and deft at playing camp. It&#39;s a damned shame that Astin didn&#39;t get to play his own original villain instead of hopelessly trying to fill another actor&#39;s shoes. He tries his utmost best here but it is sadly doomed from the start. The best captain on the seas cannot save a ship destined to sink.<br/><br/>The writing and execution of this episode didn&#39;t do Astin any favors either. As a previous reviewer highlighted, the writers reel in confusion after having re-worked a previous Gorshin/Riddler-planned script for Maurice Evans&#39; dismal Puzzler. They make puzzles and riddles interchangeable. Furthermore, the gimmicky underwater bank vault heist is ridiculous, and the often fun villain&#39;s &quot;moll&quot; role is underwritten and flat.<br/><br/>So, may we forevermore release the good sport Astin from all blame and lay it squarely where it belongs?


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