Batman Sets The Pace Movie Download In Hd

Batman Sets The Pace Movie Download In Hd


Batman Sets The Pace Movie Download In Hd

After an ingenious escape, Batman and Robin again pick up the trail of the Joker. The villain's ultimate crime is designed not only to make him rich but to ruin Batman's reputation.
This is a fun part 2 of this installment of the Joker, as it gets into the real reason for all the silly crimes in part 1. What is notable here at this point in the series is some of the dialog between Comissioner Gordon and Chief Ohara. I noted there is a point where Gordon (Hamilton) flubs his script line and O&#39;Hara actually covers for him subtly by suggesting what he should have said, but didn&#39;t. These 2 supporting actors are old pros whose experience shows here.<br/><br/>There is plenty of great stuff here for Batman fans. What is amazing this first season is not just the villains, but the way the story lines keep the supporting actors busy as well. <br/><br/>Support like this happened in quite a few of the 1960&#39;s sitcoms and this series is no exception. That is because so many veteran actors were available and worked hard to perform that this series is so strong this first season. Even when the scripts get real hokey, the actors bring off the show.<br/><br/>This Joker installment is one of the best of season 1. <br/><br/>Stay tuned for more, same bat time, same bat channel.
&quot;Batman Sets the Pace&quot; finds the Dynamic Duo actually escaping their gaseous demise in believable fashion, climbing back to back up and out of the chimney without any gimmicks. It&#39;s only a matter of time before the Clown Price of Crime demands a ransom for the safe return of the Maharajah of Nimpa (Dan Seymour), and amazingly the Maharajah himself agrees to pay his own ransom! It&#39;s a sad day for Batman when he&#39;s required to endorse a ransom check written out by the now freed Maharajah, who needs to be corrected in the spelling of Batman&#39;s name: &quot;one T!&quot; Despite his pleas not to give in to the Joker&#39;s demands, the Maharajah incredibly talks about what an &#39;honorable bandit&#39; his captor was, unaware that the Caped Crusader has his own ace in the hole that will trump Joker&#39;s. The final scene has Commissioner Gordon inquiring about Batman being asked to go to California and run for Governor, which precludes similar questions in &quot;Dizzoner the Penguin.&quot; The infectious sense of fun makes this one of the most enjoyable two parters the series produced, and quite a fitting climax to three excellent adventures for Cesar Romero during the abbreviated first season.


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