Batman Return Of The Caped Crusaders Movie Download

Batman Return Of The Caped Crusaders Movie Download


Batman: Return Of The Caped Crusaders Movie Download

Batman and Robin of the 1960s live action series are back in action to take down their fiendish foes united once more against them.
Batman and Robin spring into action when Gotham City is threatened by Penguin, The Joker, Riddler and Catwoman. This time, the four super villains have combined their wicked talents to hatch a plot so nefarious that the Dynamic Duo really have their hands full.
I am a big fan of the Batman &#39;66 comic so when I saw this naturally I thought all my birthdays had come at once... Damn, birthdays have gotten worse!!!<br/><br/>This is nothing but a poor imitation of the &#39;66 series. Granted the vocal talents of Adam West, Burt Ward, and Julie Newmar was a wise choice though only Ward still had the youthful sound. I am sorry to say that West and Newmar both sounded as though they were having trouble getting a sentence out while breathing... Then we get to the vocal talent of the other villains. Jeff Bergman was responsible for killing the Joker; he tried so hard to carry off Ceasar Romero&#39;s voice, though by halfway through his first scene it was evident he didn&#39;t have the talent to carry it off. Both William Salyers as Penguin and Wally Wingert as the Riddler just used their villains most recognisable vocal - so for the Penguin, it was &quot;Wark! Wark! WARK!&quot; and for the Ridler, it was his laugh. One of the better vocals was Lynne Marie Stewart as Aunt Harriet and the worst voice was Thomas Lennon as Chief O&#39;Hara - If you thought Stafford Repp&#39;s &quot;Begorrah&quot; was bad just wait till you hear this one... I nearly hit stop at this point.<br/><br/>Then there was the story, though the plot and premise were solid it was the incidentals which spoilt it. The constant in-jokes which parodied the original series got a little tiring. The worse part was that most of the jokes just weren&#39;t funny. Though, I did like the idea of this Batman going Dark Knight, though it could have been done much better. One of the best parts of the story was when Batman see&#39;s three catwomen - Julie Newmar, Lee Merriwether and Eartha Kitt (her voice is spot on).<br/><br/>There are two heinous crimes that the writers and director Rick Morales cannot be forgiven for...<br/><br/>There is no Narrator&#39;s voice, &quot;Meanwhile, back at stately Wayne Manor...&quot; He is there, but in such a limited manner they may as well not have used him at all.<br/><br/>Worse still Robin NEVER say&#39;s, &quot;Atomic Batteries To Power; Turbines To Speed!&quot;<br/><br/>On the whole, the animation is okay, though the CGI cars stand out, which isn&#39;t a good thing. This is not one of Morales&#39; best-directed films as the pace is all over the place and gives the movie a rambling and disorganised feeling.<br/><br/>I would stay away from this one if you&#39;re a Batman fan, especially of the cheesy &#39;66 series. Buy the original movie or rewatch the series as both are a hundred times better than this film.
If you are a fan of the 1960&#39;s Batman, which starred Adam West and Burt Ward, you&#39;re gonna be in for a treat here, this is like a reunion movie to that series. Julie Newmar reprises her role has Catwoman , but the other actors who played Joker, Penguin, and Riddler, have all passed away, so different actor are providing there voices, and I gotta say the actor who voices The Joker sounds amazingly like the original Joker Ceser Romero, to the point where I thought it was Romero.<br/><br/>The animation here is not bad, not terrific but not terrible either. Adam West and Burt Ward provide there voices in the characters that made them famous, feeling like they never really left. It never really takes itself seriously, just like the 60&#39;s show never really did. But in parts it also parodies the more serious Batman movies in spots. There is one part it spoofs the three different Catwomen from the original show. If you are tired of the overly serious Batman films, then check this animated flick out.


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