Batch file arguments with spaces

Batch file arguments with spaces

Batch file arguments with spaces

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Batch file arguments with spaces

This is by design of the Command Interpreter it sacrifices security for convenience. After callhowever, these conditions end the subroutine, and the batch file continues. You can choose any alphabetic letter for the variable name. Inside the script, I need to call two different programs. The viewer will use a small PHP class to learn and create a watermark. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. In this case, the command is executed if the error status is less than the listed number. TAB regardless of what the original extension was. Otherwise, they confuse cmd because they look sort of like command-line arguments. If you use this pattern more than once in the same batch file, be sure to use a different label for each one.

I now understand what the problem is. How can I pass in the address as one argument? One batch file you may want to create right now is named bat.

DOC extension, and you want the batch file to construct a new filename with the same root name but a different extension. I am still trying to understand his solution. To demonstrate second point, let me give an example: REM example. Regardless of their folder location, batch files should be given the extension. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. The extended comparisons are listed in Table 9. Sorry - I have overseen that the problem belongs to spaces in both PATH and ARGUMENTS.

Batch file arguments with spaces

Well, then using an alternative IFS at kenoshi said above is the easiest way to go. If you need to reset your password. The extended comparisons are listed in Table 9. I now understand what the problem is. When you start a batch file from the command line with a command such as batchname xxx yyy zzz any strings after the name of the batch file are made available to the batch program as arguments. Without the quotes, it can call vc64.

Join the community of 500,000 technology professionals and ask your questions. Change a b to ab works. Sorry - I have overseen that the problem belongs to spaces in both PATH and ARGUMENTS.

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