Bandolero Download Torrent

Bandolero Download Torrent


Bandolero! Download Torrent

Mace Bishop masquerades as a hangman in order to save his outlaw brother from the gallows, runs to Mexico chased by the Sheriff's posse and fights against Mexican bandits.
Posing as a hangman, Mace Bishop arrives in town with the intention of freeing a gang of outlaws, including his brother, from the gallows. Mace urges his younger brother to give up crime. The sheriff chases the brothers to Mexico. They join forces, however, against a group of Mexican bandits.
Really good potential done in by a horrendous script and Ms. Welch&#39;s non-existent acting skills. She is so lucky she is as drop-dead gorgeous as she is because the woman actually makes Pam Anderson look like Olivier.<br/><br/>The Cons: The script and direction. Both are poorly handled, messy, and inconsistent.<br/><br/>The Pros: Setting aside the idiocy of making James Stewart and Dean Martin brothers (topped only by making Dean Martin the brother of John Wayne, Earl Holliman, and Michael Anderson Jr in &quot;Sons of Katie Elder&quot;), they are both very watchable. I have read some complaints of Dean Martin&#39;s acting on this site, but one must really dismiss the FILMS of Dean Martin and study the ACTING of Dean Martin. He is actually excellent. Always. Most of Dean Martin&#39;s films are garbage, but I dare you to find an insincere Dean Martin moment in any of them. Dino is, however, horribly miscast in this film, along with Mr. Stewart, but to their credit they try like heck to give it their all. As stated in a previous comment on this site, Mr. Stewart does steal the movie away from everyone. He was a genius. He should be loved for much more than Harvey and It&#39;s A Wonderful Life, but people just don&#39;t seem to grasp his true genius, which is such a crime. He is one of the finest actors that has ever lived. A brilliant performer.<br/><br/>The two other actors who I feel should be mentioned as providing excellent support are Will Geer and George Kennedy. Both took their thread-bare characters and really made something out of them.<br/><br/>All the good points go to waste, unfortunately, in a boring movie with a thoroughly unsatisfying ending. I certainly applaud a &quot;non-Hollywood&quot; ending, but this one was screwed-up pretty badly, thus removing any impact.<br/><br/>This film is proof, once again, that great actors are only able to soar when the words they speak are worth listening to, and the director provides the right environment for the listening to take place.<br/><br/>A missed opportunity overall, but gets a 4 from me primarily for the superior performance of Mr. James Stewart.
I saw this film in the theater in 1971 on a co-bill with ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES (Central-Passaic,NJ) Loved it then and think it still holds up. Raquel Welch&#39;s performance never thrilled me in this film and her entire role was either looped by another actress, or she went in and looped all her own dialoge in post-production (I suspect the latter).<br/><br/>Dean Martin trades in his tux for a leather holster, and although he&#39;s not playing the most convincing outlaw in the world, I always loved the way he portrayed his role here as the &quot;bad egg&quot; brother of Jimmy Stewart who longs to meet a fine woman and turn his life around.The trouble here is that he falls for a prostitute peasant girl (Raquel Welch) Some guys have all the luck!<br/><br/>James Stewart is superb as usual, as is the great character actor Will Geer (they played opposite one another in another western classic, WINCHESTER &#39;73) I love the scene between them in the cave where Stewart says &quot;apologize, Mr.Chaney or I&#39;ll blow your head off&quot; (words to that effect) Jerry Goldsmith also provides his usual excellent score. A great 20th Century-Fox widescreen film made in the days just before the Zanucks left the studio and the film industry started taking a gradual but steady morality nose-dive.


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