


Популярные и горящие туры, обзоры мест для отдыха и экскурсий, путешествие по городам и рассказы о местных достопримечательностях. Бахрейн ждёт вас! Узнайте как оформить визу и забронировать отель на сайте.  Это самое маленькое арабское государство, которое находится в Персидском заливе и состоит из 33 островов. Вся жизнь крутится на главном из них – одноименном Бахрейне. С одной стороны этот остров топорщится небоскребами, с другой – нефтяными вышками.

Здесь многовековые традиции сочетаются с современными ценностями. Древняя культура и искусство, история и кухня, и, конечно, гостеприимство Бахрейна не оставят равнодушным ни одного гостя страны. Природные красоты Бахрейна, сочетающие в себе знойную пустыню, песчаные дюны и уникальную флору и фауну, не встретишь больше нигде в мире. Не зря именно здесь, согласно библейским преданиям, располагался райский сад Эдем. В страну едут не только за традиционной арабской экзотикой, здесь также можно заняться соколиной охотой, нырять в поисках жемчуга, кататься на лошадях и верблюдах, почувствовать себя участником гонок Формулы-1 на скоростных болидах BMW, сыграть партию в гольф и, конечно, заняться шоппингом. Пляжный отдых и экскурсионные туры! Виза по прилету. Семейный отдых! Национальный перевозчик — авиакомпания Gulf Air. Граждане России могут получить визу для въезда в Королевство Бахрейн сроком на 2 недели по прибытии. Кроме того, стоит заранее оформить полис медицинского страхования на весь срок поездки. Лицам старше 18 лет разрешен беспошлинный ввоз до сигарет, 50 сигар и г табака в открытых пачках; до 1 л алкогольных напитков или 6 банок пива разрешается только не мусульманам ; до мл парфюмерной продукции, подарков общей стоимостью до BHD приблизительно USD. Запрещен ввоз огнестрельного оружия, боеприпасов, наркотиков, ювелирных изделий для их вывоза необходимо оформление , также временно запрещен ввоз живых домашних птиц из стран Юго-Восточной Азии. Самая низкая цена аренды авто в местоположении Bahrain International Airport. А также огромный выбор четырехзвездочных гостиниц. Если же вы хотите поблагодарить швейцара в отеле, то здесь вы сами себе господа, но желательно оставлять не меньше 1 USD. Денежная единица страны — Бахрейнский динар BHD , в 1 динаре филсов. Зимы умеренные и засушливые, лето очень жаркое и влажное. Актуальная информация: прогноз погоды на основных курортах Бахрейна на ближайшие дни. Запрещается фотографировать дворцы, правительственные здания, объекты военного назначения, а также нефтегазовые предприятия. Если вы хотите сфотографировать местных жителей, всегда спрашивайте у них разрешение, особенно у женщин, которые, впрочем, вполне могут вам отказать. Здесь строится так называемая финансовая гавань, которая, как ожидается, привлечет главные финансовые учреждения всего мира. На Durrat Al Bahrain и острове Amwaj будут свои тематические парки, отели, пристани для яхт, словом, вся необходимая туристическая инфраструктура. В Бахрейне распространен свободный стиль одежды, однако, это мусульманская страна, и одежда должна отличаться скромностью, особенно за городом. В пляжной одежде можно посещать любые пляжные клубы, пляжные гостиницы, бассейны. Легкая летняя одежда уместна в большую часть года. Свитера и куртки могут понадобиться в течение зимних месяцев, особенно по вечерам. Головные уборы, средства для защиты кожи от солнца и качественные солнечные очки рекомендуются при прямых солнечных лучах. В самом начале 18 в. Часть племени утейба, бывшая под руководством рода Аль Халифа, перекочевала на полуостров Катар и обосновалась в поселке Зубара, на северо-восточном побережье бухты Бахрейн. В середине х гг. Так представители рода Аль Халифа впервые появились в Бахрейне. В соответствии с подписанным законом эмират был преобразован в конституционное королевство, а сам эмир Бахрейна провозглашался королем. Страна известна своими гастрономическими изяществами. Наряду с разнообразием интернациональной кухни, Бахрейн представляет изысканные блюда арабской кухни, дополненные широким выбором блюд из местных морепродуктов. Из напитков предпочтение, конечно, отдается кофе, приготовление которого является особым ритуалом, также отличительной чертой Бахрейна является то, что здесь продаются алкогольные напитки. В течение 24 часов после заката солнца накануне каждого религиозного праздника запрещена продажа алкогольных напитков. Также в центре столицы находится Золотой Рынок Gold Souq , предлагающий огромный выбор изделий из золота. Для желающих приобрести гончарные изделия есть специальный рынок Yatama Souq, расположенный в городе Хамад. Восхитительные изделия из жемчуга, которым славится Бахрейн, можно купить на жемчужных фермах и аукционах жемчуга. На территории комплекса сохранились руины двух алтарей и естественный источник, имевший культовое значение в эпоху цивилизации Дильмун. Здесь, согласно преданиям, также расположен некрополь древних монархов. Camel Farm: на этой ферме верблюды проживают в открытом пространстве, что дает возможность находиться в непосредственной близости от них в естественных условиях. Здесь более чем верблюдов. При желании можно прокатиться на понравившемся верблюде по территории фермы. Наверное мало кто знает, что согласно библейским преданиям, именно в Бахрейне располагались райские Сады Эдема. Острова Хавар. Представьте себе место полное спокойствия, со слегка качающимися пальмами, кристально чистым морем и успокаивающими песками нетронутой пустыни. Архипелаг Хавар, охраняемый в течение десятилетий, представляет собой россыпь из 16 островов, раскинувшихся под мягкими солнечными лучами на фоне подлинной Аравии. Handicraft Centre находится в деревне Al-Jasra и является центром достопримечательностей и основной туристической зоной. Женщины этой деревни известны за их навык в переплетении пальмы. Центр состоит из многих комнат, где показаны различные традиционные изделия кустарного промысла, такие как переплетение ткани, глиняная посуда, бедуинские плетения, кувейтские бюсты и традиционные dhow одномачтовое арабское каботажное судно модели. Карты Бахрейна Бахрейн. С г. Гран-при Бахрейна является первым Гран-при в истории Формулы-1, прошедшим на территории Среднего Востока. Был открыт в г. Парк разделен на 2 части, одна из которых открыта для общественности. Вторая часть запрещена для посещений без специального разрешения. Его площадь составляет 8 кв. Здесь воссоздана естественная среда обитания для видов животных и птиц. А также птицы: страусы, фламинго, аисты, дикие утки, соколы. На территории парка есть кафетерий. Парк открыт ежедневно: с до и с до Водные виды спорта всегда были популярны в Бахрейне, а идеальные погодные условия дают возможность заниматься любимом видом спорта в течение года. Те, кто интересуется воднолыжным спортом, виндсерфингом, парусным спортом или яхтингом, могут воспользоваться услугами любого из нескольких клубов, у многих из которых также есть специальные классы для новичков. Верховая езда всегда была главной страстью арабского мира. Здесь можно прокатиться на известных и породистых аравийских лошадях, красота и покорность которых никого не оставит равнодушным. Riffa Golf Club. Один из ведущих гольф-дизайнеров, Карл Литтон, который проживает в США, разработал это луночное поле для гольфа. Это гольф-поле позволяет играть в 9-лунок даже в ночное время. Острова архипелага привлекают дайверов со всех уголков мира. Теплая вода в течение всего года, коралловые рифы, окаймляющие острова, и богатый подводный мир обеспечивают прекрасные условия для погружений. Здесь водятся около 30 разновидностей коралловых полипов и более разновидностей рыб, особенно разнообразен подводный мир у северных рифов Бахрейна, а в южных водах зимой, например, можно встретить даже морских коров. Кроме того, в водах архипелага можно обнаружить останки затонувших судов и самолетов. Также очень популярен дайвинг за жемчугом. Бахрейн Отели Бахрейна по лучшим ценам Авиабилеты в Бахрейн по лучшим ценам. Тонкости туризма Бахрейн. Островное арабское государство Бахрейн привлекает туристов древними памятниками, разнообразной природой и отличным дайвингом. Высокий уровень сервиса! Прекрасные пляжи и ласковое море! Как разместить здесь вашу рекламу. Смотреть больше. Ваш браузер не поддерживает плавающие фреймы. Согласно библейским преданиям, именно в Бахрейне располагались райские Сады Эдема. Карты Бахрейна. World Trade Center, Манама. Мечеть Al-Fateh, Манама. Мечеть Al Fateh в Бахрейне. Небольшая мечеть Манамы. Пятница — всеобщий выходной день во всем мусульманском мире. Основной туристический центр страны: Манама. Самое интересное в Бахрейне и не только 5 доказательств того, что частные гиды и экскурсии — это классно. Как покупать авиабилеты дешевле. Как сэкономить на аренде авто. Оформить подписку. Конфиденциальность данных гарантируется, от подписки можно отказаться в любой момент. Теперь вы будете получать не чаще, чем раз в неделю наш фирменный дайджест. Осталось только подтвердить подписку по ссылке в письме, которое мы вам отправили. Закрыть окно поиска.

Гидропоника телеграмм Липецк

Туризм в Бахрейне: благодаря 85 отзывам туристов путешественники могут почерпнуть всю необходимую информацию о Бахрейне на Tripadvisor.  Вы сможете посмотреть персонализированные идеи от таких же путешественников, как Вы. Приступить. Бахрейн. + Бахрейн: откройте для себя лучшее. Манама: лучшие рестораны. Показать все.

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Для взыскательного путешественника Бахрейн – настоящая находка: в арабском мире он считается такой же экзотикой, как и в Европе. Во-первых, это единственное островное государство в регионе: оно расположилось   Для взыскательного путешественника Бахрейн – настоящая находка: в арабском мире он считается такой же экзотикой, как и в Европе.

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Bahrain is the site of the ancient Dilmun civilization. Following a period of Arab rule, Bahrain was ruled by the Portuguese Empire from until , following the conquest by Shah Abbas I of the Safavid dynasty under the Persian Empire. In the late s, following successive treaties with the British , Bahrain became a protectorate of the United Kingdom. In , it declared independence. Formerly an emirate , it was declared an Islamic constitutional monarchy in In , the country experienced protests inspired by the regional Arab Spring. It subsequently has a high Human Development Index and is recognised by the World Bank as a high-income economy. Bahrayn is the dual form of Arabic bahr 'sea' , so al-Bahrayn originally means 'the two seas'. It remains disputed which 'two seas' the name Bahrayn originally refers to. The exact date at which the term 'Bahrain' began to refer solely to the Awal archipelago is unknown. The Parthians established garrisons along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf to control trade routes. During the classical era , Bahrain was referred to by the ancient Greeks as Tylos , the centre of pearl trading, when the Greek admiral Nearchus serving under Alexander the Great landed on Bahrain. The use of these is not confined to India, but extends to Arabia. Alexander had planned to settle Greek colonists on Bahrain, and although it is not clear that this happened on the scale he envisaged, Bahrain became very much part of the Hellenised world: the language of the upper classes was Greek although Aramaic was in everyday use , while Zeus was worshipped in the form of the Arabian sun-god Shams. The Greek historian Strabo believed the Phoenicians originated from Bahrain. In the 3rd century, Ardashir I , the first ruler of the Sassanid dynasty , marched on Oman and Bahrain, where he defeated Sanatruq the ruler of Bahrain. Bahrain was also the site of worship of an ox deity called Awal. Worshipers built a large statue to Awal in Muharraq , although it has now been lost. For many centuries after Tylos , Bahrain was known as Awal. By the 5th century, Bahrain became a centre for Nestorian Christianity , with the village Samahij \\\[46\\\] as the seat of bishops. In , according to the Oriental Syriac Church synodal records, a bishop named Batai was excommunicated from the church in Bahrain. Muhammad ordered a surprise attack on the Banu Salim tribe for allegedly plotting to attack Medina. He had received news that some tribes were assembling an army on Bahrain and preparing to attack the mainland. But the tribesmen retreated when they learned Muhammad was leading an army to do battle with them. In , the Qarmatians , a millenarian Ismaili Muslim sect, seized Bahrain, seeking to create a utopian society based on reason and redistribution of property among initiates. Thereafter, the Qarmatians demanded tribute from the caliph in Baghdad , and in sacked Mecca and Medina , bringing the sacred Black Stone back to their base in Ahsa , in medieval Bahrain, for ransom. According to historian Al-Juwayni , the stone was returned 22 years later in under mysterious circumstances. Wrapped in a sack, it was thrown into the Great Mosque of Kufa in Iraq, accompanied by a note saying 'By command we took it, and by command we have brought it back. Following their defeat by the Abbasids , \\\[61\\\] the Qarmatians were overthrown by the Arab Uyunid dynasty of al-Hasa , who took over the entire Bahrain region in In , the Bedouin Usfurids brought down the Uyunid dynasty, thereby gaining control over eastern Arabia , including the islands of Bahrain. In , the Portuguese Empire allied with Hormuz and seized Bahrain from the Jabrid ruler Muqrin ibn Zamil , who was killed during the takeover. Portuguese rule lasted for around 80 years, during which time they depended mainly on Sunni Persian governors. The latter were tribes returning to the Arabian side of the Persian Gulf from Persian territories in the north who were known as Huwala. Bahrain was not new territory to the Bani Utbah; they had been a presence there since the 17th century. The Al Bin Ali were the dominant group controlling the town of Zubarah on the Qatar peninsula, \\\[71\\\] \\\[72\\\] originally the center of power of the Bani Utbah. After the Bani Utbah gained control of Bahrain, the Al Bin Ali had a practically independent status there as a self-governing tribe. They used a flag with four red and three white stripes, called the Al-Sulami flag \\\[73\\\] in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait , and the Eastern province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The House of Khalifa moved from Qatar to Bahrain in Originally, their ancestors were expelled from Umm Qasr in central Arabia by the Ottomans due to their predatory habits of preying on caravans in Basra and trading ships in Shatt al-Arab waterway until Turks expelled them to Kuwait in , where they remained until In the early 19th century, Bahrain was invaded by both the Omanis and the Al Sauds. In it was governed by a year-old child, when the Omani ruler Sayyid Sultan installed his son, Salim, as governor in the Arad Fort. He sailed to Bahrain to reassure the Sheikh that this was not the case and drew up an informal agreement assuring the Sheikh that Britain would remain a neutral party. In , the Al Khalifas used the same tactic when the British tried to overpower Bahrain. Eventually the Government of British India overpowered Bahrain when the Persians refused to protect it. Colonel Pelly signed a new treaty with Al Khalifas placing Bahrain under British rule and protection. It specified that the ruler could not dispose of any of his territory except to the United Kingdom and could not enter into relationships with any foreign government without British consent. Other agreements in and sealed the protectorate status of Bahrain to the British. Unrest amongst the people of Bahrain began when Britain officially established complete dominance over the territory in The first revolt and widespread uprising took place in March against Sheikh Issa bin Ali, then ruler of Bahrain. Before the development of petroleum, the island was largely devoted to pearl fisheries and, as late as the 19th century, was considered to be the finest in the world. In , a group of Bahraini merchants demanded restrictions on the British influence in the country. In , the British introduced administrative reforms and replaced Sheikh Issa bin Ali with his son. Some clerical opponents and families such as al Dossari left or were exiled to Saudi Arabia and Iran. The Bahrain Petroleum Company Bapco , a subsidiary of the Standard Oil Company of California Socal , \\\[90\\\] discovered oil in and production began the following year. This was to bring rapid modernisation to Bahrain. In the early s, Bahrain Airport was developed. Later in the same decade the Bahrain Maritime Airport was established, for flying-boats and seaplanes. On 19 October , four Italian SM. The riots focused on the Jewish community. As of \\\[update\\\] , 37 Jews remained in the country. In a month-long uprising broke out after hundreds of workers at the Bahrain Petroleum Company were laid off. On 15 August , \\\[97\\\] \\\[98\\\] though the Shah of Iran was claiming historical sovereignty over Bahrain, he accepted a referendum held by the United Nations and eventually Bahrain declared independence and signed a new treaty of friendship with the United Kingdom. Bahrain joined the United Nations and the Arab League later in the year. Following the Islamic revolution in Iran in , the Bahraini Shia population orchestrated a failed coup attempt under the auspices of a front organisation, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain. The resulting clash with police soon grew into civil unrest. A popular uprising occurred between and in which leftists, liberals and Islamists joined forces. The country participated in military action against the Taliban in October by deploying a frigate in the Arabian Sea for rescue and humanitarian operations. Following the political liberalisation of the country, Bahrain negotiated a free trade agreement with the United States in Iran is alleged by United States and others to have a hand in the arming of Bahraini militants. Bahrain is a generally flat and arid archipelago in the Persian Gulf. Often described as an archipelago of 33 islands, \\\[\\\] extensive land reclamation projects have changed this; by August the number of islands and island groups had increased to Bahrain has mild winters and very hot, humid summers. Arable land constitutes only 2. A hydrochemical study identified the locations of the sources of aquifer salinisation and delineated their areas of influence. The investigation indicates that the aquifer water quality is significantly modified as groundwater flows from the northwestern parts of Bahrain, where the aquifer receives its water by lateral underflow from eastern Saudi Arabia, to the southern and southeastern parts. Four types of salinisation of the aquifer are identified: brackish-water up-flow from the underlying brackish-water zones in north-central, western, and eastern regions; seawater intrusion in the eastern region; intrusion of sabkha water in the southwestern region; and irrigation return flow in a local area in the western region. Four alternatives for the management of groundwater quality that are available to the water authorities in Bahrain are discussed and their priority areas are proposed, based on the type and extent of each salinisation source, in addition to groundwater use in that area. Dust storms from Iraq and Saudi Arabia transported by northwesterly winds, locally called shamal wind, causing reduced visibility in the months of June and July. Summers are very hot. The seas around Bahrain are very shallow, heating up quickly in the summer to produce very high humidity , especially at night. Precipitation mostly occurs in winter, with an average of More than species of birds were recorded in the Bahrain archipelago, 26 species of which breed in the country. Millions of migratory birds pass through the Persian Gulf region in the winter and autumn months. Only 18 species of mammals are found in Bahrain, animals such as gazelles , desert rabbits and hedgehogs are common in the wild but the Arabian oryx was hunted to extinction on the island. Sea grass beds are important foraging grounds for some threatened species such as dugongs and the green turtle. The Hawar Islands Protected Area provides valuable feeding and breeding grounds for a variety of migratory seabirds, it is an internationally recognised site for bird migration. The breeding colony of Socotra cormorant on Hawar Islands is the largest in the world, and the dugongs foraging around the archipelago form the second-largest dugong aggregation after Australia. Bahrain has five designated protected areas , four of which are marine environments. The forty members of the Shura are appointed by the king. In the Council of Representatives, 40 members are elected by absolute majority vote in single-member constituencies to serve four-year terms. After approval, the king may ratify and issue the act or return it within six months to the National Assembly where it may only pass into law if approved by two thirds of both councils. In , the country held its first parliamentary elections ; however, two years later, the late emir dissolved the parliament and suspended the constitution after parliament rejected the State Security Law. The first , held in was boycotted by the opposition, Al Wefaq , which won a majority in the second in and third in Islamists opposed the law because 'neither elected MPs nor the government has the authority to change the law because these institutions could misinterpret the word of God'. The law was supported by women activists who said they were 'suffering in silence'. They managed to organise a rally attended by participants. This why we have eyes from the American Embassy watching us during our sessions, to ensure things are swinging their way'. The kingdom has a small but well equipped military called the Bahrain Defence Force BDF , numbering around 13, personnel. The Government of Bahrain has close relations with the United States , having signed a cooperative agreement with the United States Military and has provided the United States a base in Juffair since the early s, although a US naval presence existed since Bahrain participates in the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen against the Shia Houthis and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh , \\\[\\\] who was deposed in the Arab Spring uprising. Bahrain established bilateral relations with countries worldwide. Bahrain plays a modest, moderating role in regional politics and adheres to the views of the Arab League on Middle East peace and Palestinian rights by supporting the two state solution. Saudi Arabian troops were sent into Bahrain to crush pro-democracy protests in The period between and known as the ' State Security Law Era ', saw wide range of human rights violations including arbitrary arrests, detention without trial, torture and forced exile. Human rights conditions started to decline by when torture began to be employed again. In , Bahrain was criticised for its crackdown on the Arab spring uprising. In September, a government-appointed commission confirmed reports of grave human rights violations, including systematic torture. The government promised to introduce reforms and avoid repeating the 'painful events'. This TV film showed all the violations that have been taken against the rights of Bahraini citizens during the uprising. It also caused some problems between the Bahraini and the Qatari governments. In August , United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke against the discrimination of Shias in Bahrain, saying, 'Members of the Shia community there continue to report ongoing discrimination in government employment, education, and the justice system,' and that 'Bahrain must stop discriminating against the Shia communities. Women in Bahrain acquired voting rights and the right to stand in national elections in the election. Bahraini journalists risk prosecution for offenses which include 'undermining' the government and religion. Self-censorship is widespread. Journalists were targeted by officials during anti-government protests in Three editors from opposition daily Al-Wasat were sacked and later fined for publishing 'false' news. Several foreign correspondents were expelled. Most domestic broadcasters are state-run. An independent commission, set up to look into the unrest, found that state media coverage was at times inflammatory. It said opposition groups suffered from lack of access to mainstream media, and recommended that the government 'consider relaxing censorship'. It will be based at a planned 'Media City'. An opposition satellite station, Lualua TV, operates from London but has found its signals blocked. By June , Bahrain had , internet users. Rigorous filtering targets political, human rights, religious material and content deemed obscene. Bloggers and other netizens were among those detained during protests in The first municipality in Bahrain was the 8-member Manama municipality which was established in July By , it undertook road expansions as well as opening markets and slaughterhouses. The first municipal elections to be held in Bahrain after independence in , was in The municipalities are listed below:. After 3 July , Bahrain was split into five administrative governorates , each of which has its own governor. Economic conditions have fluctuated with the changing price of oil since , for example during and following the Persian Gulf crisis of — With its highly developed communication and transport facilities, Bahrain is home to a number of multinational firms and construction proceeds on several major industrial projects. Unemployment, especially among the young, and the depletion of both oil and underground water resources are major long-term economic problems. Majeed Al Alawi. As a tourist destination, Bahrain received over eight million visitors in , though the exact number varies yearly. The kingdom combines modern Arab culture and the archaeological legacy of five thousand years of civilisation. Bird watching primarily in the Hawar Islands , scuba diving , and horse riding are popular tourist activities in Bahrain. Many tourists from nearby Saudi Arabia and across the region visit Manama primarily for the shopping malls in the capital Manama, such as the Bahrain City Centre and Seef Mall in the Seef district of Manama. Since , Bahrain hosts an annual festival in March, titled Spring of Culture , which features internationally renowned musicians and artists performing in concerts. The festival featured concerts starring Andrea Bocelli , Julio Iglesias and other musicians. Bahrain has one main international airport , the Bahrain International Airport BIA which is located on the island of Muharraq, in the north-east. The airport handled more than , flights and more than 8 million passengers in Bahrain has a well-developed road network , particularly in Manama. The discovery of oil in the early s accelerated the creation of multiple roads and highways in Bahrain, connecting several isolated villages, such as Budaiya , to Manama. To the east, a bridge connected Manama to Muharraq since , a new causeway was built in which replaced the old wooden bridge. The four main islands and all the towns and villages are linked by well-constructed roads. A causeway stretching over 2. It was completed in December , and financed by Saudi Arabia. In , there were 17,, passengers transiting through the causeway. In , there were more than 45, telephones in use in the country. By , Batelco had more than , mobile contracts. The Bahraini Economic Vision published in does not indicate how the stated goal of shifting from an economy built on oil wealth to a productive, globally competitive economy will be attained. Bahrain has already diversified its exports to some extent, out of necessity. It has the smallest hydrocarbon reserves of any Gulf state, producing 48, barrels per day from its one onshore field. The gas reserve in Bahrain is expected to last for less than 27 years, leaving the country with few sources of capital to pursue the development of new industries. Investment in research and development remained very low in Apart from the Ministry of Education and the Higher Education Council, the two main hives of activity in science, technology, and innovation are the University of Bahrain established in and the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International, and Energy Studies. The latter was founded in to undertake research with a focus on strategic security and energy issues to encourage new thinking and influence policy-making. Bahrain hopes to build a science culture within the kingdom and to encourage technological innovation, among other goals. In , the Bahrain Science Centre was launched as an interactive educational facility targeting 6—year olds. The topics covered by current exhibitions include junior engineering, human health, the five senses, Earth sciences and biodiversity. The agency plans to establish infrastructure for the observation of both outer space and the Earth. The aim is to establish a knowledge hub for the six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council. In March , the centre hosted two high-level workshops on ICTs and education. In , the government devoted 2. This ratio was on a par with investment in education in Lebanon and higher only than that in Qatar 2. Bahrain invests little in research and development. In and , this investment reportedly amounted to 0. The lack of comprehensive data on research and development poses a challenge for policy-makers, as data inform evidence-based policy-making. The available data for researchers in only cover the higher education sector. Here, the number of researchers is equivalent to 50 per million inhabitants, compared to a global average for all employment sectors of 1, per million. From to , university staff published 5 papers and books. Bahrain was one of 11 Arab states which counted a majority of female university graduates in science and engineering in It is harder to judge the contribution of women to research, as the data for only cover the higher education sector. This corresponds to 15 articles per million inhabitants, compared to a global average of per million inhabitants in Scientific output has risen slowly from 93 articles in and remains modest. By , only Mauritania and Palestine had a smaller output in this database among Arab states. Between and , Bahraini scientists collaborated most with their peers from Saudi Arabia articles , followed by Egypt , the United Kingdom 93 , the United States 89 and Tunisia In , approximately , Indian nationals lived in Bahrain, making them the single largest expatriate community in the country. Much of this population is concentrated in the north of the country with the Southern Governorate being the least densely populated part. Bahraini people are ethnically diverse. Shia Bahrainis are divided into two main ethnic groups: Baharna and Ajam. Shia Persians form large communities in Manama and Muharraq. Sunni Bahrainis are mainly divided into two main ethnic groups: Arabs al Arab and Huwala. Sunni Arabs are the most influential ethnic group in Bahrain, they hold most government positions and the Bahraini monarchy are Sunni Arabs. The state religion of Bahrain is Islam and most Bahraini citizens are Muslim. The majority of Bahraini Muslims are Shiites. There is a native Christian community in Bahrain. Non-Muslim Bahraini residents numbered , per the census, most of whom are Christians. Bahrain also has a native Jewish community numbering thirty-seven Bahraini citizens. Due to an influx of immigrants and guest workers from Asian countries, such as India, the Philippines and Sri Lanka , the overall percentage of Muslims in the country has declined in recent years. Arabic is the official language of Bahrain, though English is widely used. Among the Bahraini and non-Bahraini population, many people speak Persian , the official language of Iran, or Urdu , an official language in Pakistan and a regional language in India. Malayalam , Tamil , Bangla and Hindi are spoken among significant Indian communities. Education is compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and Coeducation is not used in public schools, with boys and girls segregated into separate schools. After World War I , Bahrain became open to western influences, and a demand for modern educational institutions appeared. Bahrain also encourages institutions of higher learning, drawing on expatriate talent and the increasing pool of Bahrain nationals returning from abroad with advanced degrees. The University of Bahrain was established for standard undergraduate and graduate study, and the King Abdulaziz University College of Health Sciences , operating under the direction of the Ministry of Health, trains physicians , nurses , pharmacists and paramedics. The Royal University for Women RUW , established in , was the first private, purpose-built, international university in Bahrain dedicated solely to educating women. Bahrain has a universal health care system, dating back to Healthcare expenditure accounted for 4. The life expectancy in Bahrain is 73 for males and 76 for females. As a result, cases of malaria and TB have declined in recent decades with cases of contractions amongst Bahraini nationals becoming rare. Bahrain is currently suffering from an obesity epidemic as Islam is the main religion, and Bahrainis are known for their tolerance towards the practice of other faiths. Rules regarding female attire are generally relaxed compared to regional neighbours; the traditional attire of women usually include the hijab or the abaya. Although Bahrain legalized homosexuality in , many homosexuals have since been arrested. The modern art movement in the country officially emerged in the s, culminating in the establishment of an art society. Expressionism and surrealism , as well as calligraphic art are the popular forms of art in the country. Abstract expressionism has gained popularity in recent decades. The wind tower , which generates natural ventilation in a house, is a common sight on old buildings, particularly in the old districts of Manama and Muharraq. Literature retains a strong tradition in the country; most traditional writers and poets write in the classical Arabic style. In recent years, the number of younger poets influenced by western literature are rising, most writing in free verse and often including political or personal content. In literature, Bahrain was the site of the ancient land of Dilmun mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Legend also states that it was the location of the Garden of Eden. The music style in Bahrain is similar to that of its neighbors. The Khaliji style of music, which is folk music , is popular in the country. The sawt style of music, which involves a complex form of urban music, performed by an Oud plucked lute , a violin and mirwas a drum , is also popular in Bahrain. Bahrain was also the site of the first recording studio amongst the Persian Gulf states. Association football is the most popular sport in Bahrain. Basketball , rugby and horse racing are also widely popular in the country. This was followed by the Bahrain Grand Prix in Bahrain hosted the opening Grand Prix of the season on 12 March of that year. Both the above races were won by Fernando Alonso of Renault. The race has since been hosted annually, except for when it was cancelled due to ongoing anti-government protests. The V8s returned every November to the Sakhir circuit until , in which it was the second event of the series. The series has not returned since. On 1 September , Bahrain changed its weekend from being Thursdays and Fridays to Fridays and Saturdays, in order to have a day of the weekend shared with the rest of the world. Notable holidays in the country are listed below:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the country in Arab Peninsula. For other uses, see Bahrain disambiguation. Kingdom on the Persian Gulf. Coat of arms. Website bahrain. Since 17 November Main article: History of Bahrain. Main article: List of expeditions of Muhammad. Main article: Geography of Bahrain. Main article: Climate of Bahrain. Main articles: Wildlife of Bahrain and List of birds of Bahrain. Main article: Politics of Bahrain. Main article: Bahrain Defence Force. Main article: Foreign relations of Bahrain. Main article: Human rights in Bahrain. Main article: Governorates of Bahrain. Main article: Economy of Bahrain. Main article: Tourism in Bahrain. Main article: Transport in Bahrain. Main articles: Telecommunications in Bahrain and Internet in Bahrain. Main articles: Demographics of Bahrain and Freedom of religion in Bahrain. Main articles: Bahraini people and Ethnic, cultural and religious groups of Bahrain. Religion in Bahrain, Pew Research \\\[\\\] \\\[11\\\] Muslim. Languages of Bahrain. Arabic Bahrani , Gulf. Arabic Sign Language. Main article: Education in Bahrain. See also: List of universities in Bahrain. Main articles: Health in Bahrain and Healthcare in Bahrain. Main article: Culture of Bahrain. Main article: Bahraini art. Main article: Literature of Bahrain. Main article: Music of Bahrain. Main article: Sport in Bahrain. Britannica Online. Retrieved 28 June Archived from the original on 24 June Retrieved 7 June Archived from the original on 29 December Retrieved 25 January The Straits Times. Retrieved 9 November Archived from the original on 20 March Retrieved 31 January International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 12 March United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 14 September Bahraini Census Retrieved 3 March Archived from the original on 1 February Retrieved 1 February Saudi Aramco World. Retrieved on 7 November Retrieved 16 November The Guardian. Retrieved 19 July Bahrain Economic Development Board. Archived from the original on 28 December Retrieved 24 June New York , Encyclopedia of Islam. Leiden: E. The Archaeology of the Arabian Gulf, c. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C. Bosworth, E. Brill, Brill Online. Clive Holes. Retrieved 5 October University of Chicago Press. Kessinger Publishing. Fisher et al. Sidon' PDF. Donkin Bahrain Through The Ages — Archa. The Archaeology of the Arabian Gulf. Durham University. Thus the pre-Islamic ethno-linguistic situation in eastern Arabia appear to have been a mixed tribal population of partially Christianised Arabs of diverse origins who probably spoke different old Arabian vernaculars; a mobile Persian-speaking population, possibly of traders and administrators, with strong links to Persia, with which they maintained close contact; a sedentary, non-tribal community of Aramaic-speaking farmers; a Persian clergy, which we know for certain, used Syriac as a language of liturgy and general writing, probably alongside Persian as a spoken language. Smart Th Archived from the original PDF on 6 December Retrieved 18 June Overview of World Religions. Archived from the original on 28 April Retrieved 4 May Rowman Altamira, The Origins of Kuwait. Around the coasts of Arabia. Houghton Mifflin Company. US State Department. 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Retrieved 28 November Retrieved 26 August Retrieved 17 March Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry of Education Bahrain. Ministry of Education, Bahrain. Archived from the original on 18 January Archived from the original PDF on 16 September Retrieved 26 June Ministry of Health, Bahrain. Archived from the original PDF on 27 February American Bahraini Friendship Society. Archived from the original on 6 September Archived from the original PDF on 11 October United Nations Development Program. World Health Organisation. TimeOut Bahrain. Gulf Genetic Centre. Archived from the original on 13 September Retrieved 28 February Archived from the original PDF on 27 June Retrieved 8 August Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 10 August Retrieved 22 July Marshall Cavendish Corporation. Retrieved 21 August Archived from the original on 23 February Archived from the original on 29 April Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 8 February Music and Media in the Arab World. American University in Cairo. Archived from the original on 17 July Cycling Weekly. Retrieved 10 August Tour de France Bleacher Report. Retrieved 23 March Retrieved 25 March Retrieved 21 April Retrieved 13 April Retrieved 30 June France Sky News Online. Archived from the original on 23 April Bahrain from the Twentieth Century to the Arab Spring. Baynes, T. International Journal of Middle East Studies. Mojtahed-Zadeh, Pirouz This article incorporates text from a free content work. To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. For information on reusing text from Wikipedia , please see the terms of use. Ethnic groups Languages Religion Freedom of religion. Outline Index. Related articles. Middle East. Countries and dependencies of Asia. Dependencies and special administrative regions. Christmas Island Cocos Keeling Islands. Hong Kong Macau. Book Category Asia portal. Countries bordering the Persian Gulf. 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Бахрейн на карте мира - схематической или спутниковой. Поиск на карте по адресу или названию населённого пункта.

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Всё о Бахрейне и отдыхе там: справочная информация (язык, население, валюта), путеводитель по достопримечательностям и курортам с описанием и фото  Мое путешествие в Бахрейн началось, как ни странно, с того, что мне не удалось попасть в Саудовскую Аравию. Как известно, туристических виз в эту страну не существует в принципе, есть только рабочие или паломнические, и мне не светила ни одна из них.

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Бахрейн - совсем маленькое королевство,загадочное и даже немного сказочное. В эту страну едут не просто искупаться в Арабском заливе, а чтобы нырнуть за жемчугом, покататься на верблюдах, сыграть в гольф, полетать в аэротрубе и покататься на професси.  Сказочный Бахрейн: что посмотреть, что попробовать. Бахрейн - совсем маленькое королевство, загадочное и даже немного сказочное. В эту страну едут не.

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Bahrain, officially the Kingdom of Bahrain, is a sovereign state in the Persian Gulf. The island nation comprises a small archipelago made up of 33 natural islands and an additional 51 artificial islands, centered around Bahrain Island which makes up around 83 percent of the country's landmass. The country is situated between the Qatar peninsula and the north eastern coast of Saudi Arabia, to which it is connected by the kilometre (16 mi) King Fahd Causeway. According to the most recent census.

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