Badges Of Fury Hd Mp4 Download

Badges Of Fury Hd Mp4 Download


Badges Of Fury Hd Mp4 Download

In just 3 days, three cases of Smiling Murder shock Hong Kong. The young detective Wang Bu'er and his buddy Huang Feihong embark on an investigation full of excitement and unexpected events.
Badges Of Fury, a crime thriller featuring one hell of a martial arts trio with Jet Li (needs no introduction), Collin Chou (The Matrix Reloaded, Flashpoint) and Wu Jing (SPL / Kill Zone) in the lead roles. When a spate of eerie murders erupts across HK two troublemaking cops are assigned to the case. Young maverick WANG and grizzled vet HUANG who is fed up with his reckless younger partner always landing them in hot water. Reaching a dead end after discovering all the victims were former boyfriends of aspiring starlet LIU, the detectives must play a deadly game. One of them must go undercover as Liu's lover to lure the killer out. Li, Chou and Wu are three of the finest screen fighters in the world and with Kung Fu Hustle and Crouching Tiger vet Po Chu Chui in the producer's chair here's betting they're put to good use.
When a spate of eerie murders erupts across HK two troublemaking cops are assigned to the case. Young WANG and grizzled vet HUANG who is fed up with his reckless younger partner always landing them in hot water. Reaching a dead end after discovering all the victims were former boyfriends of aspiring starlet LIU, the detectives must play a deadly game. Badges of Fury is a letdown and horrible goofy action comedy that wastes Jet Li's talent in a role that completely makes him look like a cartoon character in a movie that is beyond awful.. (0/10)
Despite the cover of Badges of Fury depicting a massive explosion in the background of the two protagonists, never do fireballs grace the screen of this action-comedy. Moreover, despite taking up dominant space on the cover, Jet Li is not the main character in this film. Though there are a couple of scenes where he produces the kind of entertaining martial arts moves he is most notable for, there are other occasions when he is entirely absent from the story altogether, appearing in cameo roles to support the progression of the plot.<br/><br/>Wang Bu&#39;er (Zhang Wen) is a young detective, and despite been partnered up with the grizzled Huang Feihong (Li), he learns nothing from his renowned partner. Though occasionally receiving advice from Feihong, Bu&#39;er is largely arrogant, believing himself to be superior, and blaming the constant failures he is responsible for on other members of the squad, especially the fairer sex. Angela (Michelle Chen) is the detective in charge, though is continuously under Bu&#39;er&#39;s scrutiny, and despite his attitude, can&#39;t shake the feelings she has for him. Chen is perhaps one of the funniest members of the cast, and takes to the humorous lines well, though at the same time, sacrificing professionalism for immaturity.<br/><br/>At the film&#39;s beginning, an undercover operation goes hopelessly wrong when Bu&#39;er jeopardizes everything upon setting his sights upon Chen Hu (Colin Chou), an antagonist from his past, who manages to slip through his fingers. Though viewers may suspect this particular plot would continue throughout, it is immediately abandoned in exchange for a case concerning the inexplicable deaths of several men. The introduction of this case is quite humorous, with each of the victims dying with a smile on their faces. It is later revealed each victim had one person in common - their former girlfriend, Liu Jin Shui (Liu Shishi), an up and coming actress looking for her big break, who at the same time is crushed beneath the despair of losing every man she loves, while being equally hurt by her older sister, Dai Yiyi (Yan Liu).<br/><br/>Liu (the actress, not the character) portrays an unconventional femme fatale, her role, alongside the twists the story takes, making it surprisingly difficult for the audience to comprehend who the antagonist responsible for the many deaths is. As Bu&#39;er struggles with the feelings he has for Shui (safe to say a love triangle begins to form), he begins to suspect that perhaps the only way to catch the culprit, is to put himself in harm&#39;s way, by going undercover as her new paramour.<br/><br/>Although Shui is a convincingly sympathetic character, and despite the film attempting an emotional connection with the audience, lack of character development prohibits this. Though the film deserves kudos for its ability to maintain the mysteriousness of the lead antagonist until the end of the feature, Badges of Fury works best as a comedy, however, the slapstick nature of many of the laughs does take away from any seriousness the film attempts to make. Furthermore, some of the laughs generated during character interactions may go over the heads of some western audiences, who are unfamiliar with Chinese culture, one such example being, how an unmarried woman, 28 years or older, is considered peculiar.<br/><br/>Although the fight scenes are enjoyable to watch, it is Wen who steals the show, these moments, alongside the scenes when he is deducing evidence, making him a reliable protagonist, which is quite the contradiction, as he spends half the film being very unreliable. The behavior by those portraying the police seems to be unrealistic in contrast with professional stereotypes, and can therefore make following the film a little difficult. Though one cannot deny the fun audiences will potentially receive from viewing the film (not to mention the number of times jaws will drop at the sight of all the beautiful women), Badges of Fury lacks a certain authenticity for it to be taken seriously, or, at least, appreciated for its story-line.


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