BOOK Zen in 10 simple lessons by Anthony Man-Tu Lee txt ibooks iphone

BOOK Zen in 10 simple lessons by Anthony Man-Tu Lee txt ibooks iphone

BOOK Zen in 10 simple lessons by Anthony Man-Tu Lee txt ibooks iphone

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Book description
From its origins in sixth-century China and subsequent flourishing in Japan, the branch of Buddhism called Zen has spread around the world. But it is more than a religion. Zen teachings touch on all aspects of practical life, with emphasis on mental focus and heightened awareness of reality. This book is divided into ten chapters, each intended to be read as one in a series of hour-long Zen lessons. They explain how to apply the qualities of simplicity and harmony inherent in Zen to everyday things for a more joyous, meaningful, and intensely experienced life. The ten lessons cover the following subjects: A brief history of Zen, Zen teachings and precepts, Meditation and self-mastery, Zen and relationships, Zen and health, Zen and food, Zen and the workplace, Zen and the home, Zen and the garden, Zen and the arts. The author discusses several aspects of Zen, including forms of meditation, the paradoxical Zen phrases known as koans, and the Zen way of cultivating goodness. The text is enhanced throughout with full-color photos and illustrations.
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