BOOK Wolverine and the X-Men, Volume 7 by Jason Aaron (Writer) eng find free tom touch

BOOK Wolverine and the X-Men, Volume 7 by Jason Aaron (Writer) eng find free tom touch

BOOK Wolverine and the X-Men, Volume 7 by Jason Aaron (Writer) eng find free tom touch

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Book description

Book description
Students at the Jean Grey School are missing, and a furious Wolverine and Rachel Summers intensify their search for the all-new Hellfire Club. Meanwhile, Beast goes to the S.W.O.R.D. orbital HQ to ask an X-Villain for help with Broos sad state - but nothing ever goes as easily as the X-Men hope. The storyline thats been building for over a year is finally, explosively here! The Hellfire Saga begins now!Collecting: Wolverine and the X-Men 30-35
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