BOOK Wine Journal (A Cool Journal To Write In #2) by Petra Ortiz (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

BOOK Wine Journal (A Cool Journal To Write In #2) by Petra Ortiz (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

BOOK Wine Journal (A Cool Journal To Write In #2) by Petra Ortiz (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

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Book description
A fun book to take with you to wine tastings, tours, parties, or just chilling at home alone or with friends. An excellent book to log all your favourite wines you have tasted, shared and enjoyed. It makes recording wine entries simple and fun. There is a place to paste-or draw and colour if you like-the label, post comments from friends and guests, and includes easy to use index pages. It includes a simple scoring system as well. The page layout is simple and straightforward, with plenty of room for creating your fondest wine memories. Keep track of what you bought, where and when, and whether or not you liked it!Designed by Petra Ortiz and Beautifully Illustrated by Mentol
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