BOOK Whos Afraid? by Maria Lewis (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

BOOK Whos Afraid? by Maria Lewis (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

BOOK Whos Afraid? by Maria Lewis (Goodreads Author) link italian free iBooks ipad

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Book description
Incredibly exciting new voice in paranormal fiction.This is the story of Tommi, a young Scottish woman living an ordinary life, who stumbles violently into her birthright as the worlds most powerful werewolf. The sudden appearance of a dark, mysterious (and very attractive) guardian further confuses her as her powers begin to develop and she begins to understand that her life can never be the same again. The reader will be swept up in Tommis journey as shes thrown into the middle of a centuries-old battle and a world peopled with expert warriors and vicious enemies - this is the start of a series - and a world - you will fall in love with.
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