BOOK Wholetones: the sound of healing by Michael S. Tyrell read bookshop acquire macbook download

BOOK Wholetones: the sound of healing by Michael S. Tyrell read bookshop acquire macbook download

BOOK Wholetones: the sound of healing by Michael S. Tyrell read bookshop acquire macbook download

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Book description
Tyrrell has developed a tonal music system he believes is the same system King David developed to worship God in the Old Testament. This book describes his search for the system and the healing impacts he believes the system creates. The system consists of seven musical tones and music Tyrrell created to ride on each tone. The system is called Wholetones. I purchased the Wholetone CD albums after sampling them. They each contain a 22+ minute tune based upon one of seven healing tones. Whether it actually creates healing influences is a matter of faith on the part of listeners. I bought then because I like music in the background while I work on my computer, but songs that I like tend to fracture my concentration. I find these albums to be inspiring and soothing and so I play them in the background nearly every day. Some parts stretch credulity. For instance on page 42, Tyrrell describes a machine a friend of his invented to analyze tones people make when they speak. It then provides a diagnosis of things that may be troubling them. He had Tyrrell speak into the machine for a few minutes and the machine produced a breakdown of Tyrrell’s physical condition, current and historical, by analyzing the tones in his speech. The friend was able to scroll up Tyrrell’s complete health history on a laptop. One thing the machine discovered was that there were traces of titanium on his left ring finger. Tyrrell had recently purchased a titanium wedding ring that was on that finger. What!?! Let’s assume there is a frequency signal in Tyrrell’s voice that is associated with titanium on his ring finger. How would a laptop know this? A faith healer might be able to detect something like that, assuming the healer’s faith is connected to infinite knowledge, but a laptop has no faith and can only compare the frequencies to data that someone would have to enter, even if it is determined through an algorithm. Who would have had the time to figure out what the signal for titanium is and program that in the computer – as opposed to gold, copper, lead, silver, Mississippi delta mud, Brazilian granite; on the ring finger as opposed to another finger, toe, elbow, bottom of the foot? For a laptop to randomly discover traces titanium on a specific finger would require the laptop to be programed into an almost infinite amount of data, which is not at all relevant to the wellbeing of patient being examined. Even if it were possible, why would anyone do it?In spite of that and a couple of other similar parts, I found the book interesting and informative. It would probably be even more interesting to those who understand music and music theory better than I do. It’s short and quick read.
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