BOOK When Blood Calls by J.K. Beck purchase find tom online kindle

BOOK When Blood Calls by J.K. Beck purchase find tom online kindle

BOOK When Blood Calls by J.K. Beck purchase find tom online kindle

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Book description
Attorney Sara Constantine is thrilled with her promotion until she finds out that she must now prosecute vampires and werewolves. The first defendant she’ll be trying to put away? Lucius Dragos, the sexy stranger with whom she recently shared an explosive night of ecstasy.When Lucius kisses a beautiful woman sitting next to him at the bar, he’s hoping only to avoid the perceptive gaze of the man he’s planning to kill. But what starts as a simple kiss ignites into an all-consuming passion. Charged with murder, Luke knows that Sara is determined to see him locked away unless he can convince her that he’s not a monster. And that might mean making the ultimate sacrifice.
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