BOOK Weldons Practical Needlework, Volume 4 by PieceWork Magazine how read iBooks book acquire access

BOOK Weldons Practical Needlework, Volume 4 by PieceWork Magazine how read iBooks book acquire access

BOOK Weldons Practical Needlework, Volume 4 by PieceWork Magazine how read iBooks book acquire access

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Book description
PieceWork magazine brings you Victorian needlework at its finest with these special compilations of Weldons Practical Needlework. In this volume youll find knitted and crocheted heirlooms, and both tatting (edgings and doilies galore) and beadwork. Patterns are exact replicas of the premier needlework magazine from turn-of-the-century England. Each volume is filled with hundreds of vintage projects, illustrations, information on little-known techniques, fashion as it was in the late 1800s and brief histories of needlework.
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