BOOK Weird War 2 by Richard Denham (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

BOOK Weird War 2 by Richard Denham (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

BOOK Weird War 2 by Richard Denham (Goodreads Author) text reading without registering read acquire

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Book description
Welcome to the wonderfully weird World War Two ...The Second World War is the bloodiest on record. It was the first total war in history when civilians; men, women and children were in the front line as never before. With so many millions involved, the rumour machine went into overdrive, tall stories built on fear of the unknown. With so much at stake, boffins battled with each other to build even more bizarre weapons to out-gun the enemy. Nazi Germany alone had so many government-orchestrated foibles that they would be funny if they were not so tragic. Parachuting Sheep? Pilot Pigeons? Rifles that fire round corners? Men who never were? You will find them all here, the weird, wonderful and barely believable of World War Two.
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