BOOK Wars of Empire by Douglas Porch acquire eng value book ios

BOOK Wars of Empire by Douglas Porch acquire eng value book ios

BOOK Wars of Empire by Douglas Porch acquire eng value book ios

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Book description
Often described as the high renaissance of Western imperialism, the nineteenth century was characterized by European conquest and colonial rule. Although imperialist power was on the rise, Douglas Porch refutes the notion that indigenous militias were easily overtaken by their European conquerors. Porch explores the rise of imperial power, and the reasons for the temporary supremacy of some of the empire builders, but he also examines why such far-flung empires ultimately proved to be unsustainable.A full exploration of the expansion and ultimate decline of imperial power, strain from conflict abroad, and the reality of the colonizers struggling home economies. Full narration of the British armys defeats at the hands of American rebels, Afghan fighters, Indian mutineers, and the Boers. Analysis of Russias humiliating defeat in the Caucasus, and Frances defeat in Algeria, embarrassments that demonstrated the limitations of imperial power.
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