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In a century immersed in technological acceleration, we have reached a strange new plateau in the human condition. Advanced technologies such as biometrics and DNA cloning have not only caught up with reality, they have in many ways already surpassed it. The Virtual Dimension critically examines the role that digital and immersive technologies have on the methods used by architects, designers, and artists to conceptualize and represent new mediated spaces, topologies, and both real and virtual communities. This collection of interdisciplinary essays addresses the implications of going virtual from a variety of cultural and theoretical viewpoints. Over thirty contributors, all leading architects, urban theorists, philosophers, scientists, and cultural critics, have contributed to this collection. These include Stan Allen, professor of architecture at Columbia University; Gareth Branwyn, contributing editor of Wired and co-author of The Happy Mutant Handbook and Jamming the Media: A Citizens Guide; Canadian artist Char Davies; Manuel Delanda, author of War in the Age of Intelligent Machines; Los Angeles-based architect Neil Denari; Keller Easterling, co-author of Seaside; William J. Mitchell, author of City of Bits; Vivian Sobchack, associate dean of film studies at UCLA; and philosopher and author Paul Virilio. Editor John Beckmann is a practicing architect as well as the founder of his own design company, Axis Mundi.The breadth and size of this collection will make it the most important reader on the subject, of interest to anyone excited by the possibilities of electronic communication.
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