BOOK Vampire Blues: Samantha Moon Case Files by J.R. Rain (Goodreads Author) free full version reader audio link

BOOK Vampire Blues: Samantha Moon Case Files by J.R. Rain (Goodreads Author) free full version reader audio link

BOOK Vampire Blues: Samantha Moon Case Files by J.R. Rain (Goodreads Author) free full version reader audio link

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Book description
Private investigators juggle a variety of jobs throughout the day. Some cases are bigger than others, but even a routine case can offer a few surprises. And in Vampire Blues, Samantha Moon is about to discover that not all men are created equal...In Nightmare, one parasitic vampire is about to meet his own worst nightmare...In Soul Train, a young boy who hears a mysterious nightly train, is about to come-face-to-face with something not of this world...And a bonus short story that features one very famous vampire...
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