BOOK Trust Me: a romantic comedy set in Bollywood by Rajashree original free offline view ios

BOOK Trust Me: a romantic comedy set in Bollywood by Rajashree original free offline view ios

BOOK Trust Me: a romantic comedy set in Bollywood by Rajashree original free offline view ios

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Book description
same old formula , Indian authors should elevate themselves by writing other things apart from sex , careless life and smoking . There are other good topics also but i think they just stick with making there books true masala one.If anyone can come closer to any english writer whether fiction no fiction i would be proud of that...This novel is only for teenage people whose life is made hell by sex and friends (worthless) and who thinks being in a job and mumbai is what the aim should be.for me its low rated and evry ill writeen , some thing is missing in the whole story .. author never seemed to convience me that Yes it all the worlds fault and they treat you badly....Remeber one song Dunniya re duniya ...very good very good. Duniya wale ... very bad very badbut i should should admit it was mind soothing after reading heavy non fiction book !
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