BOOK Transformers Classics, Volume 1 by Bob Budiansky download book value online kindle

BOOK Transformers Classics, Volume 1 by Bob Budiansky download book value online kindle

BOOK Transformers Classics, Volume 1 by Bob Budiansky download book value online kindle

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Book description
The Transformers was always one of the most cynical marketing ploys and we knew this as kids, but bought into all of the hype anyway. Afterall the toys were pretty cool and we had fun hour after hour changing a robot into a car and then back again - OK its harder to see the appeal as an adult but, yes, we all had them and cherished them and stole them from one another (better still, we won them at a game of marbles. NB I never actually did this, my marble playing skills blew chunks.). It seems strange to think that 30+ years on the Transformers are still a huge property; less strange that the whole marketing behemoth has been resurrected by the shit-tastic Michael Bay with a series of presumably bombastic, uncredible but wildly successful movies that Ive - sadly - yet to see. Yet here we are, there are still ranges of Transformers comics being produced and Im a little bit curious to know what the fuss is all about.Naturally I decided to start right at the beginning with the old, shitty ones.Actually, they arent shitty. Against the odds this piece of cuncial, soulless marketing tie-in about giant robots doing ... not a lot other than fighting, really ... settled into a regularly entertaining comic book and reaching the end of this volume, I might not be quite convinced that theres genius here, but I can at least see why we were enthralled as kids. They start out shitty though, with a 4 part mini-series (I seem to be missing #3 in my collection for some reason) that was intended to be it. Theres no heart and soul in this comic, just explanation after explanation, one dialogue box after another explaining that the two Transformer factions were at war, ended up crash-landing on earth and then fighting one another there. Theres a little story to it, but its very mannered and laboured and would have lost interest if I hadnt known that issue 5 was the start of a new ongoing series giving the go ahead thanks to immense popularity.Bob Budiansky is a much more playful writer, as it happens and whilst the artwork remains weak and we dont ever get as much out of the robots abilities or personalities as Id like, we do get a bunch of ongoing storylines that I would happily class as pure fun. The dour and boring Megatron is, as early as issue 5 ousted as Decepticon leader by the cold and logical Shockwave (rocking the one-eyed Cyclops look) and even fails in his initial attempts to regain control. This leads to a string of surprising stories in which Megatron is nearly killed by Ratchet and then winds up as a slave to a part-time gangster. Meanwhile all of the autobots have been destoryed (no wait, captured and fixable) and its down to the lone Ratchet to save them ... and Oh it turns out that Optimus Prime has the creation Matrix so Shockwave keeps his head happily locked up so that he can use it to create more evil Decepticons, so Prime manages to transfer it to a human who gets the ability to errrr fix cars and stuff.Theres a lot of story packed into these issues and while itnever even flirts with being deep or particularly interesting, its committed to entertaining and pushing the limits of what youd expect from such a shallow concept. Budiansky keeps the stories moving at a decent pace and the result is that after 13 issues of the first volume I feel Primed for the next one. Its just too easy to read. This comic is More than meets the eye. My expectations have been Transformed. ETCETERA!I dont really recommend this unless you like robots, toys or nostalgia. I kinda like those things, especially all at once.
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