BOOK Transcend by Scarlett Dawn (Goodreads Author) book online wiki how to read

BOOK Transcend by Scarlett Dawn (Goodreads Author) book online wiki how to read

BOOK Transcend by Scarlett Dawn (Goodreads Author) book online wiki how to read

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Book description
The bestselling, groundbreaking Origin series continues with Transcend. Women are disappearing in New City, and the Corporate Army assigns their best soldiers to the case. In a world still recovering from war and death, every woman is needed for the survival of the human race.Mina Kramer is a socialite in New City. She smiles for her father’s business associates, laughs at all their jokes, and acts the perfect daughter. When she’s suddenly abducted from a party at Baker Corporation, her whole world turns sideways. The kidnappers aren’t asking for her family’s money, the one item her parents have plenty of. With only confusion and captivity in her future, she prays for a rescue by her parents.Except her saviors come in the form of the all-power Mr. Finn Baker and Poppy Carvene, a tiny sprite of a woman. And they don’t return her to her parents. Mr. Baker decides he wants to keep her and use her as bait to flush out the kidnappers’ leader. Mina must push her fears aside or dive deeper into them. Does she want to run to her parents, who are safe? Or will she transcend to a woman who fights criminals bent on destroying New City? And can she overcome her startling feelings for the sexy Mr. Baker, a man who harbors secrets of his own?
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