BOOK Time Stands Still by Stacy Froumis (Goodreads Author) book finder flibusta library ipad

BOOK Time Stands Still by Stacy Froumis (Goodreads Author) book finder flibusta library ipad

BOOK Time Stands Still by Stacy Froumis (Goodreads Author) book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description
Lauren Scott is about to graduate from New York University along with her boyfriend Stavros and her best friend Vivian. It should be one of the best times in her life but she doesnt feel like celebrating because Stavros will soon be moving back home to Greece. Stavros promises he will find a way for them to be together, but with him living on a different continent with a family who doesnt approve of her, Lauren has her doubts. Her life is turned upside down when she stops hearing from him and then eventually finds out from another source that he is engaged to someone else. Eight years later Lauren has moved on from her heartbreak and found happiness with Noah. Suddenly her past comes back to haunt her as she discovers everything she thought she knew about why her relationship with Stavros ended was a lie. Now she must decide whether to move forward with marrying Noah or risk everything to give Stavros a second chance. Will she make the right decision? Only time will tell.
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