BOOK The Unofficial Guide: Disneyland 2013 by Bob Sehlinger bookshop macbook book german without registering

BOOK The Unofficial Guide: Disneyland 2013 by Bob Sehlinger bookshop macbook book german without registering

BOOK The Unofficial Guide: Disneyland 2013 by Bob Sehlinger bookshop macbook book german without registering

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Book description
What this book is a nothing more than a tour guide for the Disneyland park. This Unofficial guide contains really good information on muplite parks including Disneyland Resort, Disneys California Adventure, and even includes Universal Studios Hollywood. All these parks are located at California. This guide/tour book is perfect for anyone who visits any of the parks from out of state as it offers a great deal of information on Disney hotels and on the parks themselves. Something readers of this book should know is that the main focus of this book is on Disneyland and it;s parks. It hardly has any information on Universal Studios Hollywood. Something I found very helpful in this book are the restaurant reviews. I have trouble finding a great restaurant in Disneyland and with books my future trip will be better. Everything else seems a little unimportant to me. This is because I live an hour away from both Disneyland and Universal Studios. But I highly recommend this to anyone who is visiting the Disneyland parks and Universal Studios Hollywood from out of state for the first time.
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