BOOK The Unexpected Bride by Joanne Walsh german information ios free touch

BOOK The Unexpected Bride by Joanne Walsh german information ios free touch

BOOK The Unexpected Bride by Joanne Walsh german information ios free touch

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Book description
Wanted: nanny. Needed: wife.Laurent Fletcher has to admit his life would be a whole heap better if there was woman in it. His kids are running wild, and his dog is acting crazy; he’s been finding it tough to juggle everything since his wife died, and run his successful custom-built furniture business. But maybe there is a solution that won’t demand any emotional input from him: hire a female to whip his turbulent household back into shape.Emma Peabody is a British nanny, looking for a new life in the New World. When she arrives at River Bend and finds two small motherless children, a miserable pet and a man who’s placed his emotions in the deep-freeze, she realizes she’s joined a broken family and it will be down to her to put it back together again. The kids and the dog are easy—all they need are routines and love. Their father is something else. Laurent isnt about to drop his guard and let Emma work her magic—and it doesn’t help that she finds this dark, brooding man incredibly attractive…
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