BOOK The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square (Council on Foreign Relations (Oxford)) by Steven A. Cook book text online view format

BOOK The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square (Council on Foreign Relations (Oxford)) by Steven A. Cook book text online view format

BOOK The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square (Council on Foreign Relations (Oxford)) by Steven A. Cook book text on…

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Book description
The Struggle for Egypt The recent revolution in Egypt has shaken the Arab world to its roots. The most populous Arab country and the historical center of Arab intellectual life, Egypt is a lynchpin of the USs Middle East strategy, receiving more aid than any nation except Israel. This is not the first time that the world and has turned its gaze to Egypt, however. A half century ago, Egypt under Nasser became the putat... Full description
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