BOOK The Sorcerers Vengeance by Brock E. Deskins (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

BOOK The Sorcerers Vengeance by Brock E. Deskins (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

BOOK The Sorcerers Vengeance by Brock E. Deskins (Goodreads Author) ipad book macbook how read kickass

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Book description
Book 4 of the Sorcerers Path:Azerick thought he had finally found peace and purpose beyond seeking vengeance against those he held responsible by creating a school of learning, magic, and trades for the less fortunate. That dream came to an end when an assassin tried to murder him in his sleep. Knowing that he will never be free and his friends and students will never be safe until he puts an end to the schemes and machinations of evil and power-hungry men. No man and no army, not even a journey to the very bowels of the abyss will keep him from his vengeance.
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