BOOK The Rover by Aphra Behn without signing online read shop phone

BOOK The Rover by Aphra Behn without signing online read shop phone

BOOK The Rover by Aphra Behn without signing online read shop phone

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Book description
Aphra Behn was the first female professional writer in England and the most prolific playwright of the late 17th century, after Dryden. The Rover, her most popular play, is set in Naples during the misrule of carnival time, when prohibitions are temporarily removed, privileges and rank suspended, and women, from convent girls to courtesans, take the initiative. Behn has been credited with creating more daring dialogue between the sexes than many of her male contemporaries. The Rover explores issues of love, trickery and deception, forced marriage, male power, fidelity and the excesses of sexual passion.This student edition contains a lengthy Introduction with background on the author, date and sources, theme, critical interpretation and stage history.
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