BOOK The Plant Lovers Guide to Dahlias by Andy Vernon get german sale download selling

BOOK The Plant Lovers Guide to Dahlias by Andy Vernon get german sale download selling

BOOK The Plant Lovers Guide to Dahlias by Andy Vernon get german sale download selling

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Book description
Dahlias are the showgirls of the garden. A favorite of floral and landscape designers, they come in a wide range of jewel-like colors—rich reds and vibrant oranges, shocking pinks—and an engaging variation of form and petal shape. The Plant Lover’s Guide to Dahlias is packed with everything you need to know to grow these fantastic flowers including tips on using dahlias in garden design, growth and propagation information, and lists of where to buy the plants and where to view them in public gardens. The bulk of the book is devoted to profiles for over 200 varieties, organized by color, with information on type, height, and spread. Gorgeous color photographs bring the plants to life.
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