BOOK The Other 8 Hours: Maximize Your Free Time to Create New Wealth & Purpose by Robert Pagliarini look eng full story read

BOOK The Other 8 Hours: Maximize Your Free Time to Create New Wealth & Purpose by Robert Pagliarini look eng full story read

BOOK The Other 8 Hours: Maximize Your Free Time to Create New Wealth & Purpose by Robert Pagliarini look eng full story read

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Book description
You sleep (hopefully) for 8 hours. You work (at least) 8 hours. What are you doing in those remaining 8 hours of your day, and more importantly, what are the other 8 hours doing for you? To the bleary-eyed worker who doesnt have time to stop and catch his breath, the idea of having 8 hours may sound absurd. If thats you, this is your wake-up call. THE OTHER 8 HOURS provides a blueprint that will help you carve out more time in your day and find the inspiration to spend that free time in a more productive way. Whether you want to pay off debt, make more money, start a business, develop a hobby, write a blog, or write the next great American novel, Robert Pagliarini will get you closer to living a richer, more fulfilled life. In THE OTHER 8 HOURS, youll learn how to:- GET MORE TIME: Chances are you are overworked, overscheduled, and overstressed. Theres too much to do and not enough time. You can create hours of additional free time you never knew you had.- GET MORE MONEY: Traditional financial advice has likely left you frustrated and stuck. Pagliarini introduces new, highly-effective yet unconventional strategies.- GET A LIFE: In order to get rich you have to get a life. The other 8 hours ultimately determine your happiness and net worth.With anecdotes and inspiration from many who have taken control of their other 8 hours, plus hands-on tools for getting started, minimizing risk, and maximizing success, youll discover new ways to radically improve your life both personally and financially. Isnt it time to recapture your time and your life?
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