BOOK The Mysteries of Mithra by Franz Cumont price tom view online macbook

BOOK The Mysteries of Mithra by Franz Cumont price tom view online macbook

BOOK The Mysteries of Mithra by Franz Cumont price tom view online macbook

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Book description
The colorful Mithraic religion originated in Persia, enjoyed enormous popularity in Europe & was ultimately destroyed by Christianity. This definitive treatment of Mithra by a leading authority on classical religions pieces together its mysteries: the principle characteristics of the god Mithra, the rituals, the teachings, the liturgy etc. 70 illustrations.Preface to the French EditionTable of ContentsList of IllustrationsThe Origins Of MithraismThe Dissemination of Mithraism in the Roman EmpireMithra & the Imperial Power of RomeThe Doctrine of the Mithraic MysteriesThe Mithraic Liturgy, Clergy & DevoteesMithraism & the Religions of the EmpireMithraic ArtIndex
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