BOOK The Loner by J.A. Johnstone mobi ibooks

BOOK The Loner by J.A. Johnstone mobi ibooks

BOOK The Loner by J.A. Johnstone mobi ibooks

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Book description
Most people have no idea that successful young businessman Conrad Browning is the son of legendary gunfighter Frank Morgan. And thats one secret he plans to keep--until his beautiful wife, Rebel, was kidnapped by a group of deadly bandits.Like Father--DeadlyLike Son--DeadlierWhen Conrad Brownings wife disappears in the untamed frontier, Conrad finds himself assuming the identity of his famous gunslinging father, Frank Morgan, to find her. But his hopes of rescuing Rebel are swiftly shattered--and now hes burning for vengeance, the old-fashioned way. So he fakes his own death and starts calling himself The Loner, becoming the deadliest gunfighter this side of his own father--ready to settle the score in blood and bullets. . .
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