BOOK The Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook: Practical techniques for improving your application of Jobs-to-be-Done by Chris Spiek epub ibooks

BOOK The Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook: Practical techniques for improving your application of Jobs-to-be-Done by Chris Spiek epub ibooks

BOOK The Jobs-to-be-Done Handbook: Practical techniques for improving your application of Jobs-to-be-Done by Chris Spiek epub ibooks

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Book description
This is a useful handbook for carrying out market research using the jobs-to-be-done methodology, mostly in that it contains many nuggets of practical advice from practitioners whove completed tens of thousands of customers interviews, and who by now have developed keen insights into the reasons why people hire, or purchase, the things they do. Ill be using the book as I carry out my own market research. It does read a bit like a gussied up slide deck, and there are numerous typos; however, it fulfills its value proposition in a succinct and targeted way.
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