BOOK The Jews of Italy: Antiquity by Shlomo Simonsohn fb2 bookstore tom book reading

BOOK The Jews of Italy: Antiquity by Shlomo Simonsohn fb2 bookstore tom book reading

BOOK The Jews of Italy: Antiquity by Shlomo Simonsohn fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
The history of the Jews in Italy is the longest continuous one of European Jewry and lasted for more than two millennia. It started in the days of the Roman Republic and continued through the Middle Ages to Modern Times. Jewish Italy served as melting pot throughout its history, first for migrants from East to West and eventually from all over the Mediterranean littoral and beyond. Some of them moved on from Italy to other countries, while the majority stayed on in the country for generations. This volume of their history covers the first seven centuries of Jewish presence on the peninsula from the days of the Maccabees to Pope Gregory the Great. It is based on archaeological finds in Rome and elsewhere in Italy, on relevant literary and legal sources and on other records.
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