BOOK The Heart of a Gypsy by Roberta Kagan (Goodreads Author) online touch offline macbook author

BOOK The Heart of a Gypsy by Roberta Kagan (Goodreads Author) online touch offline macbook author

BOOK The Heart of a Gypsy by Roberta Kagan (Goodreads Author) online touch offline macbook author

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Book description
During the Nazi occupation, bands of freedom fighters roamed the forests of Eastern Europe. They hid, waging their own private war against Hitler’s tyrannical, and murderous reign. Among these Resistance Fighters, there were groups of Romany people (gypsies).“The Heart of A Gypsy” is a spellbinding love story filled with Romance, and spiced with the magic of the Gypsy culture. It takes place in Poland during the time of the Third Reich, while World War Two was raging. This is a tale of a people who would rather die, than surrender their freedom.Enter into a little known world, where only a few have traveled before… The world of the Romany.If you enjoy romance, secret magical traditions, riveting action, and steamy sex….you will love “The Heart of A Gypsy.”
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