BOOK The Great Molasses Flood: Boston, 1919 by Deborah Kops sale price value ios online

BOOK The Great Molasses Flood: Boston, 1919 by Deborah Kops sale price value ios online

BOOK The Great Molasses Flood: Boston, 1919 by Deborah Kops sale price value ios online

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Book description
A strange and sticky piece of history. January 15, 1919, started off as a normal day in Boston’s North End. Workers took a break for lunch, children played in the park, trains made trips between North and South Stations. Then all of a sudden a large tank of molasses exploded, sending shards of metal hundreds of feet away, collapsing buildings, and coating the harborfront community with a thick layer of sticky-sweet sludge. Deborah Kops takes the reader through this bizarre and relatively unknown disaster, including the cleanup and court proceedings that followed. What happened? Why did the tank explode? Many people died or were injured in the accident—who was to blame? Kops focuses on several individuals involved in the events of that day, creating a more personal look at this terrible tragedy.
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