BOOK The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory by David R. Loy text how download book selling mp3

BOOK The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory by David R. Loy text how download book selling mp3

BOOK The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory by David R. Loy text how download book selling mp3

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Book description
David Loy calls for a renewed form of Western Buddhism that looks beyond the meditation cushion to the larger World. He expands the fundamental Buddhist notion of dukkha or suffering from the personal to the social. The three root causes of suffering- greed, hatred, and ignorance- apply as much to social forms of dukkha as they do to individuals. In fact, the greatest threats to human survival of our time are the social institutions that specifically embody the 3 poisons: greed in the form of globalized corporatism, hatred in the form militarism and arms proliferation, and ignorance in the form of corporate mass media and its celebration of unabashed consumption.As the roots of all forms of dukkha are essentially the same, so must be the means of deliverance. How do we awaken? Loy identifies the Buddhist principles of annatta or no-self and the nondual interdependence of all things as the key insights that we will need to realize and apply socially as well as individually if we are ever going to create a sustainable, just, and life-giving world. He applies these principles in formulating a nondual social theory looking specifically at questions of poverty and development, corporate globalization, punitive forms of justice, war, genetic engineering, biotechnology, and ecology.Essential reading for anyone interested in what Buddhism might have to offer in addressing the unprecedented, systemic, and pervasive threats facing our world today.
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