BOOK The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trumps America by Alexander Zaitchik store download purchase reader phone

BOOK The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trumps America by Alexander Zaitchik store download purchase reader phone

BOOK The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trumps America by Alexander Zaitchik store download purchase reader phone

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Book description

Book description
A grippingly intimate and heart-breaking portrait of the walking wounded who make up the base of the Trump movement. Desperate and angry, these are the men and women of the vanishing industrial heartland and the depressed Appalachian coal country and the drug-running, no-mans land along the Southwestern borderlands. They have no illusions about the grandstanding billionaire and his glaring flaws. But they feel forgotten and screwed over by political, corporate and media elites...and they feel that Donald Trump, despite his flamboyant demagoguery, might well be their last chance for salvation. Part Studs Terkel, part Hunter S. Thompson, Alexander Zaitchik takes us deeper into the ravaged soul of America than any other chronicler of our times.
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