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Book description
From an eminent author in the field, The Future of Visual Anthropology develops a new approach to visual anthropology and presents a groundbreaking examination of developments within the field and the way forward for the subdiscipline in the twenty-first century.The explosion of visual media in recent years has generated a wide range of visual and digital technologies which have transformed visual research and analysis. The result is an exciting new interdisciplinary approach of great potential influence for the future of social/cultural anthropology.Sarah Pink argues that this potential can be harnessed by engaging visual anthropology with its wider contexts, including:the increasing use of visual research methods across the social sciences and humanities the growth in popularity of the visual as methodology and object of analysis within mainstream anthropology and applied anthropology the growing interest in anthropology of the senses and media anthropology the development of new visual technologies that allow anthropologists to work in new ways.This book has immense interdisciplinary potential, and is essential reading for students, researchers and practitioners of visual anthropology, media anthropology, visual cultural studies, media studies and sociology.
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