BOOK The Final Reflection by John M. Ford download mp3 fb2 iphone story

BOOK The Final Reflection by John M. Ford download mp3 fb2 iphone story

BOOK The Final Reflection by John M. Ford download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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Book description
Man, I am a jerk for not listening to Mordicai earlier (he told me to read this, like, five years ago or something) because this was pretty damn good!I think that it helped that the crew from the Enterprise wasnt in it (save a young Spock who makes a cameo appearance), which can sometimes take one out of the story. It was just a story about Klingons, well told. Also its neat to note all the things that had changed in the Star Trek canon since the book was written (QonoS had yet to be established as the Klingon homeworld, for example.) Sometimes it was a bit confusing -- there was a little too much of the Klingon language, and the end was so under-explained Im reading it again -- but Id rather read something twice than be spoken down to.So, yes! Recommended! Even for casual Trek fans who never necessarily thought they had an interest in reading Trek fiction.
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