BOOK The Edge of Europe by Pentti Saarikoski purchase book text windows mobile

BOOK The Edge of Europe by Pentti Saarikoski purchase book text windows mobile

BOOK The Edge of Europe by Pentti Saarikoski purchase book text windows mobile

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Book description
Fiction. Poetry. Translated from the Finnish by Anselm Hollo. In this late poem-novel-memoir, Saarikoski explores life in the buffer zones of language, genre, geography and consciousness. This Finnish poet of the Generation of 68 shocked his elders in much the same way that William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg jolted the establishment in the United States--Anselm Hollo. Anselm Hollos translation makes this fluid novel read as though it were written by one of the finest poets in English, not just Finnish, telling a story in a language that surprises not just line by line, but often from the start of one sentence to its end, as it effortlessly sweeps across literature, acrchitecture, rusted cars, trees, nations, beer, history, jogging--life--until it finally, in the finest sense of Ulisses, brings us home again--Steve Tomasula.
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