BOOK The Doll with the Yellow Star by Yona Zeldis McDonough (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

BOOK The Doll with the Yellow Star by Yona Zeldis McDonough (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

BOOK The Doll with the Yellow Star by Yona Zeldis McDonough (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

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Book description
A tender story about the power of love in the face of lossNine-year-old Claudine doesnt want to leave her much-loved home in France to go live in America, not without her parents. But she knows about the shortages, about the yellow stars Jews must wear, and about Adolf Hitler. And she knows that there are some things she needs to do even when she doesnt want to. Its wartime, and there is much that is different now. There are more things that Claudine will lose to this terrible war. But not everything that is lost must be lost forever. Here is a moving story about lost and found lives, and the healing power of love.
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