BOOK The Boy with the Hidden Name by Skylar Dorset (Goodreads Author) format book no registration full version online

BOOK The Boy with the Hidden Name by Skylar Dorset (Goodreads Author) format book no registration full version online

BOOK The Boy with the Hidden Name by Skylar Dorset (Goodreads Author) format book no registration full version online

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Book description
This is not your average trip to Fairyland...Selkie Stewart has just saved her quasi-boyfriend, Ben, from a fairy prison run by the Seelie Court. If they werent the two most-wanted individuals in the Otherworld before, they definitely are now. Along with Ben and the rest of their ragtag group of allies-Selkies ogre aunts; a wizard named Will; Bens cousin Safford; and Kelsey, Selkies best friend-Selkie is ready to embrace her destiny and bring the Court down. Until she hears the rest of her prophecy: Benedict le Fay will betray you, and then he will die.
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