BOOK The Blonde on the Street Corner by David Goodis read bookshop acquire macbook download

BOOK The Blonde on the Street Corner by David Goodis read bookshop acquire macbook download

BOOK The Blonde on the Street Corner by David Goodis read bookshop acquire macbook download

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Book description
She took a final drag at the cigarette, flipped it away, and said, I dont get this line of talk. Its way over my head...Maybe youre waiting for some dream girl to come along in a coach drawn by six white horses, and shell pick you up and haul you away to the clouds, where its all milk and honey and springtime all year around. Maybe thats what youre waiting for. That dream girl.Maybe, he murmurmed.And then he looked at the blonde. His smile was soft and friendly and he said, I guess thats why I cant start with you. Im waiting for the dream girl.But the dream girl does not come. In the meantime Ralph must deal with the yearnings of everyday life and take what he is offered.Written in 1954, The Blonde on the Street Corner is full of the passions and desires that are the hallmarks of a David Goodis novel.His books are a lethally potent cocktail of surreal desription, brilliant language, cracker barrel philosophy and gripping obsession. - Adrian Wootton
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