BOOK The Awe-manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder by Jill Badonsky epub online

BOOK The Awe-manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder by Jill Badonsky epub online

BOOK The Awe-manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder by Jill Badonsky epub online

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Book description
A playfully practical guide that’s a refreshing twist on the revered Farmer’s Almanac, The Awe-Manac provides daily forecasts and directives to help readers make life more creative, amusing, gratifying, and extraordinary—every day of the year! Through 365 days, readers are encouraged to think more brilliantly, laugh more often, make art or write creatively, and simply add a lot more “awe” into daily life.Brimming with Jill Badonsky’s colorful, whimsical art, and filled with fun features like “Soul Vitamins,” “GlumBusters,” “Daily Toasts,” and “Doses of Mirth,” The Awe-Manac will be an enchanting “companion” throughout the year—a perennial guide that invites its readers to find the joy and amusement in every day.
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