BOOK Terrier by Tamora Pierce (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

BOOK Terrier by Tamora Pierce (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

BOOK Terrier by Tamora Pierce (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

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Book description
Hundreds of years before Alanna first drew her sword in Tamora Pierces memorable debut, Alanna: The First Adventure, Tortall had a heroine named Beka Cooper - a fierce young woman who fights crime in a world of magic. This is the beginning of her story, her legend, and her legacy....Beka Cooper is a rookie with the law-enforcing Provosts Guard, commonly known as the Provosts Dogs, in Corus, the capital city of Tortall. To the surprise of both the veteran Dogs and her fellow puppies, Beka requests duty in the Lower City. The Lower City is a tough beat. But its also where Beka was born, and shes comfortable there.Beka gets her wish. Shes assigned to work with Mattes and Clary, famed veterans among the Provosts Dogs. Theyre tough, theyre capable, and theyre none too happy about the indignity of being saddled with a puppy for the first time in years. What they dont know is that Beka has something unique to offer. Never much of a talker, Beka is a good listener. So good, in fact, that she hears things that Mattes and Clary never could - information that is passed in murmurs when flocks of pigeons gather ... murmurs that are the words of the dead.In this way, Beka learns of someone in the Lower City who has overturned the power structure of the underworld and is terrorizing its citizens into submission and silence. Bekas magical listening talent is the only way for the Provosts Dogs to find out the identity of this brutal new underlord, for the dead are beyond fear. And the ranks of the dead will be growing if the Dogs cant stop a crime wave the likes of which has never been seen. Luckily for the people of the Lower City, the new puppy is a true terrier!
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