BOOK Sublime Blue: Selected Early Odes Pablo Neruda by Pablo Neruda online read value how read torrent

BOOK Sublime Blue: Selected Early Odes Pablo Neruda by Pablo Neruda online read value how read torrent

BOOK Sublime Blue: Selected Early Odes Pablo Neruda by Pablo Neruda online read value how read torrent

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Book description
A translation of Pablo Neruda’s early collections of odes, this book features poems that are addressed to hope and to gloom, to numbers and to the atom, to blue flowers and to artichokes. Reflecting the lucent, candid vitality driving Neruda’s charming accounts, these poems celebrate things big and the small: even lamentations become commemorations. Compassionately amused one moment then sobered by injustice and supportive of resistance the next, this bilingual compilation will appeal to fans of one of the 20th century’s most popular poets.
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