BOOK Storms of Change by Radclyffe online kindle ios shop offline

BOOK Storms of Change by Radclyffe online kindle ios shop offline

BOOK Storms of Change by Radclyffe online kindle ios shop offline

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Book description
Amidst war abroad and upheaval at home, Reese Conlon and Tory King face their gravest challenge to their life together. Can love and passion survive the unforgiving storms of change? In the continuing saga of the Provincetown Tales, Reese Conlon’s obligations to family and country are put to the test as war engulfs the Middle East, while her partner Tory King must chose between her career and motherhood when her family is disrupted. While friends and family struggle with the fears and uncertainties of a world in strife, the small seaside town is rocked by a series of crimes that suggest newly arrived real estate entrepreneur, Ricarda Grechi, may have connections to more than just the business world. State Police Detective Carter Wayne intends to find out.
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