BOOK Spying in Guru Land: Inside Britains Cults by William Shaw (Goodreads Author) read original portable online information

BOOK Spying in Guru Land: Inside Britains Cults by William Shaw (Goodreads Author) read original portable online information

BOOK Spying in Guru Land: Inside Britains Cults by William Shaw (Goodreads Author) read original portable online information

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Book description
To be honest, this book really gave me something I was looking for in discussion of cults - an evenhanded account of a variety of different types of cults and the people drawn to them - the cult leaders are not presented as monsters and those drawn to the cults not presented as weak minded or crazy. But as the patterns emerge the evenhandedness seems to be ignoring a major factor - there is a point where keeping members that want to leave turns more sinister, and the fact that as many of these groups gain popularity the seem to also gain a need to weaponize. But I couldnt put this book down and the patterns of joining are well laid out without being too stilted. I liked this book a lot, and am sad its totally out of print as it is way clearer and better written than almost any others I have encountered, and spans more movements.
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