BOOK Sacred Waters by Lydia Michaels (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

BOOK Sacred Waters by Lydia Michaels (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

BOOK Sacred Waters by Lydia Michaels (Goodreads Author) store online german torrent read

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Book description
Colin McCullough has always known the path his life would take and at summer’s end he will finally make his Holy Orders. But what should have been a relaxing summer in the mountains with his large Irish family turns into an interlude plagued with temptation the moment his brother brings home the enchanting Samantha Dougherty.When Samantha agrees to spend her summer break with Braydon McCullough she soon realizes his intentions are not what they seemed. While coping with Braydon’s assumptions that they are in a relationship, Samantha’s vacation only becomes more complicated when she meets his older brother, Colin, the soon to be priest! What was intended to be a peaceful holiday turns into an unforgettable experience of loyalty, lust, sacrifice, courage, and love.
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